The key to a healthy diet is balance.

No one food provides all the nutrients (food components) you need for health. By eating a variety of foods in appropriate amounts you can achieve the balance you need.

Weetabix is an ideal food from a healthy eating point of view as it is low in sugar, low in salt, low in saturated fat, and high in fibre . It provides an excellent breakfast and an ideal snack any time of the day.

However, balance is the key, and you can have too much of a good thing. Weetabix is fortified with certain vitamins and minerals and if eaten to excess, then you could be taking in too much of these nutrients. We would recommend that an adult eats no more than four (4) Weetabix biscuits per day. Taking this amount will leave room for you to eat other foods and have some variety in your diet.

For advice regarding children’s intake, please contact your health visitor or GP.

New Royal Warrant Granted

We’re extremely proud that his Majesty the King has granted his Royal Warrant to the Weetabix Food Company. We are passionate about helping the nation start its day in the best way and we are…

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Deeside Cereals Acquisition

The Weetabix Food Company is pleased to announce that on Friday 1st December 2023, they completed a deal to acquire Deeside Cereals from Wholebake Limited. The acquisition will strengthen the Weetabix Food Company, bringing new…

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